About MOSO

MOSO, logo, company, about, digital, platform, firma

Company profile

MOSO AS was started based on research results conducted at the University of Agder (Norway) and in collaboration with the University of Tromsø (Norway) and the University of Halmstad (Sweden).

MOSO designs, develops and delivers guidance technology to support professional development in education and the profession. MOSO’s innoative technology is being developed into new professional educations (health, teacher, physiotherapy, dentist, etc..) in close collaboration with research- and user groups at the universities. MOSO is delivered as a platform that supports basic needs within colleague and practice guidance. MOSO is flexible and can be adapted based on special needs associated with the guidance.

The MOSO Team

MOSO has an interdisciplinary team composed of researchers, educators, technologist and business people.

ansatte, MOSO, team, tverrfaglig, business, people, educators

The MOSO Team

MOSO has an interdisciplinary team composed of researchers, educators, technologist and business people.

board of directors, MOSO holding AS, Jac & Em holding AS, Falvir AB

Board of directors

MOSO’s board of directors is represented by shareholders from MOSO Holding AS, Jac & Em Holding AS and Falvir AB.


(+47) 21 67 67 60